New Student Orientation

Congratulations on becoming a Committed Cardinal!

我们很高兴能帮助我们的新生为2024年夏季和秋季学期做准备,并为他们提供成功的资源和途径. 我们收集了以下支持文件、议程和“下一步”指导方针. The Cardinal journey is about to begin. Welcome to the Nest!

NSO Student and Family

2024年夏季和秋季新生报到将于4月1日开放! Students must be confirmed before registering for orientation. 

Use your GoUIW account (personal email and password) to sign up for orientation.

Choose from one of the dates below:

  • Friday, June 7, 2024
  • Tuesday, June 11, 2024
  • Friday, June 21, 2024*
  • Tuesday, June 25, 2024
  • Thursday, June 27, 2024
  • Friday, July 12, 2024*
  • Monday, July 15, 2024
  • Wednesday, July 17, 2024*
  • Wednesday, July 31, 2024*
  • Friday, Aug. 2, 2024*

*Note: Students with majors in the School of Media and Design and Dreeben School of Education should attend the designated orientations. 其他专业的学生也可以在这些日期或其他有名额的日期参加.

Online Orientation: Transfer Students Only

  • Friday, July 24, 2024 | 6 - 8 p.m.

Note: uw在线培训是为无法参加面对面培训的本科转学生提供的. 转校生将学习可用的工具和资源,因为他们继续他们的教育之旅作为UIW枢机主教. 他们将听取几个办公室的意见,并为他们过渡到Nest获得有用的信息.

UIW Virtual Backgrounds

We have designed exclusive UIW virtual backgrounds for you to use.

Download UIW Virtual Backgrounds Here

8:30 a.m. | Check-in Starts | Student Engagement Center Mezzanine

  • Student ID
  • 营业处(停车许可证、缴费计划、健康保险豁免)
  • Campus Tour
  • Housing Tour
  • Financial Aid
  • Health Services (Meningitis)
  • Advising

10 a.m. | Welcome and Introductions | SEC Ballroom

10:30 a.m. | What It Means To Be a Cardinal | SEC Ballroom

10:45 a.m. | Academic Overview

11:30 a.m.| Advising

12:15 p.m. | Lunch | SEC Ballroom

1:30 p.m. | Cardinal Camp

3:30 p.m. | Closing Ceremony | SEC Ballroom

University offices are open to assist you Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Download Undergraduate Student Orientation Agenda (PDF)

6 p.m. | Online Link Goes Live | Welcome and Agenda Overview

6:20 p.m. | Financial Aid Overview

6:40 p.m. | Business Office Overview

7 p.m. | UIW Help Desk

7:20 p.m. | University Advising 

7:40 p.m. | Closing and Final Questions

8 p.m. | End of Virtual Transfer Orientation

Download Transfer Student Orientation Agenda (PDF)

8:30 a.m. | Check-in Starts | Student Engagement Center Mezzanine

  • Student ID
  • 营业处(停车许可证、缴费计划、健康保险豁免)
  • Campus Tour
  • Housing Tour
  • Financial Aid
  • Health Services (Meningitis)
  • Advising

10 a.m. | Welcome and Introductions | SEC Ballroom

10:30 a.m. | What It Means To Be a Cardinal | SEC Ballroom

10:45 a.m. | How To Be a Cardinal Parent

11:35 a.m. | Campus Safety

12:15 p.m. | Lunch | SEC Ballroom

1:30 p.m. 金钱事务:财政援助、商务办公室、军人和退伍军人中心

2:10 p.m. |居民和通勤者的澳门博彩官网下载:居住生活、校园参与和索迪斯

2:40 p.m. |红衣主教健康:行为健康,健康服务,关怀团队,使命和事工

3:05 p.m. |建立基本联系:新生项目、就业服务

3:25 p.m. | Student Resources: Student Success

3:55 p.m. | Closing Ceremony | SEC Ballroom

University offices are open to assist you Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Download Undergraduate Parent Orientation Agenda (PDF)

Downloadable Cardinal Family Resource PDF Coming Soon

We want to hear from you! 如果你还没有准备好,请花几分钟时间完成家长入学调查. 我们感谢您的反馈,并将利用它来改善我们家庭未来的活动.

Take Survey



Health Insurance Waiver

All UIW students are required to have medical insurance. If you are insured on a family plan, 你需要在秋季学期开始前放弃大学的保险,以避免收费. 如果您有医疗保险,并希望放弃uw的医疗保险, 带上你的医疗保险卡的复印件到面试现场完成这一要求. 对于希望参加uw学生健康保险的学生,不需要采取任何行动. Visit the Business Office webpage for more information.

Meningitis Vaccination Record

Are you missing your meningitis vaccination? 在报到之日带上你的医疗保险卡的复印件. uw保健服务代表将能够在培训期间提供免疫接种.

德克萨斯州法律规定,所有进入大学的22岁以下的学生都必须提供由医疗保健提供者签署的证书或官方免疫记录,以证明学生已接种了细菌性脑膜炎疫苗, 或在入读香港大学前五年内曾获资助. Visit the Health Services webpage for more information.

Event Accommodations

道成肉身的世界大学为特殊事件提供合理的住宿,并有足够的通知. 如需申请残疾人士住宿,请填写并提交表格 ADA/Section 504 webpage.

Next Steps for Undergraduate Students

Once you have submitted your confirmation fee, you'll receive an email from the UIW Help Desk within three days to set up Cardinal Apps for the first time. 请在报到前设置好您的Cardinal Apps,以确保注册过程顺利进行.

Cardinal Apps is the place to do many tasks such as:

  • Access email
  • Register for classes
  • Purchase parking permit
  • Enroll in payment plan
  • Apply for housing
  • Get involved at UIW


  1. Submit your proof of bacterial meningitis vaccination.

    德克萨斯州法律规定,所有进入大学的22岁以下的学生都必须提供由医疗保健提供者签署的证书或官方免疫记录,以证明学生已接种了细菌性脑膜炎疫苗, 或在入读香港大学前五年内曾获资助. 你可将疫苗接种纪录以PDF格式递交至文件接收处

    Note: You must have your meningitis shot on record, if applicable, to enroll in classes and to apply for on-campus housing.

  2. Apply for on-campus housing (if you plan to live on campus).
    Information about on-campus housing is available on the Residence Life website. 住房申请可以通过您的红衣主教应用程序中的StarRez学生住房门户网站完成.
  3. Register for New Student Orientation

    Orientation registration opens April 1. Once you confirm your attendance to UIW, keep your eye on your email. 您将收到入学指导的注册信息和完成注册的下一步步骤.

  4. Take the ALEKS PPL

    To be correctly placed in college-level math, 未达到最低要求的学生必须通过ALEKS PPL参加uw数学安置课程或被安排参加补习数学课程(无学分)。. Visit for more information.

  5. Register for classes.

    Class registration opens May 1. Check your UIW email for information regarding course registration. If you have any questions regarding course registration, contact the University Advising Center at (210) 805-5814.

    To ensure relevant scheduling, 所有正式成绩单必须在您选择的入学日期前至少五个工作日提交. Please note: 以下专业的学生必须与各自的联系人联系,讨论课程要求和课程注册.

    如果您有任何问题,请联系您的指导老师或大学咨询中心 (210) 805-5814.

  6. 提交你以前就读的所有院校的最终正式成绩单.

    First-Time-in-College Students: Submit your final high school transcript with the graduation date to or mail official high school transcripts to the address below. If you have dual credit, also submit an official college transcript.

    Transfer Students: 所有被录取的学生必须在秋季学期开始前提交每所院校的正式成绩单和最终成绩. 少于24个大学学分的学生还需要提交正式的高中成绩单或正式的GED成绩. Final documents may be submitted in PDF format to or physically mailed to the address below.

    University of the Incarnate Word
    Office of Admissions
    4301 Broadway, CPO 285
    San Antonio, TX 78209

  7. Register for a parking permit.

    您可以通过uw的Cardinal Apps登录门户使用T2 Cardinal Cars应用程序注册您的车辆. 请携带所需物品到迎新处购买停车许可证. Visit the UIW parking site for more information.

    • 有效的电子邮件地址(您需要使用此电子邮件验证您的帐户)
    • Vehicle license plate number and state
    • Vehicle make, model, color and style
    Note: 任何未登记许可证的车辆将被处以停车罚款.
  8. Enroll in a payment plan.

    学生必须在学期开始前支付学费或参加付款计划. 一旦您注册了课程,您可以通过Cardinal Apps在CashNet上注册付款计划. Visit the Business Office webpage for more information.